terça-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2006

Pornografia: do beco para a avenida

estou á muitooo tempo (a faculdade, o trabalho e os compromissos relacionais atrasam um bocado estas coisas) a escrever uma cena sobre pornografia, mais propriamente along the lines of "Porn: From Underground Sub Culture to Mainstream Society- quais as influências no individuo, nas relacões e na sociedade desta mega transformação da industria porn (especificamente internet porn) na ultima década (com um foco específico na rape myth pornography).

As geracões americanas sub 30 ( at least ) crescem imersas desde criancas numa cultura porn que formata desejos e desempenhos, molda egos e despoleta frustracões. Eis alguns exemplos:

Who needs the hassle of dating when I've got online porn?" -Anonymous teenager quoted in New York Times Magazine, 5/30/04

"I believe that there is a porno-ization of the culture," says Regan. "What that means is that if you watch every single thing that's going on out there in the popular culture, you will see females scantily clad, implanted, dressed up like hookers, porn stars and so on. And that this is very acceptable." Judith Reagan

"In pornography, women are three holes and two hands. Women in pornography have no hopes and no dreams and no value apart from the friction those holes and hands can produce on a man?is." - Robert Jensen

"The relationship between particularly sexually violent images in the media and subsequent aggression...is much stronger statistically than the relationship between smoking and lung cancer" -Researcher Edward Donnerstein, PhD

Basicamente é disto que quero falar, que tambem inclui algumas das sex industries que acabam por girar à volta do porn, e esta tudo obviamente interligado com a minha propria postura feminista. Mais um exemplo:

"100% of strippers surveyed in 1999 said they'd experienced: physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal harassment, and propositions for prostitution while on the job. "(Holsopple)

E gostava de saber o que acham desta nova realidade que ainda nao chegou assim tanto a portugal mas que eu vivi bastante nos States... tell me about it!

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